
  1. To define the roles and responsibilities required in making a film.   

  2. To encourage students to consider and assign these roles for their PSAs.


  • Paper and pencils for students to take notes with.


  1. Key Vocabulary 10 min.

  2. Attention-getter 10 min. 

  3. Discussion 15 min. 

  4. Activity 25 min. 

  5. Assignment 5 min. (in class), 15 min. (homework) 

    Total Time 55 min. (+15 min at home assignment)

Teacher Preparation:

  1. Have paper and pencils ready for students to take notes during discussions.


  • Remind students that it is possible to hold certain roles simultaneously. For example, a student could be both an actor and an editor, or both a cinematographer and director, if needed. 

  • Tell students that, if necessary, they may recruit other students to participate in their PSAs to fill these roles. For example, they might hold auditions for a particular acted part or ask a friend who is an expert in editing software to help cut the PSA.