
  1. To introduce the concept of conducting research for a PSA. 

  2. To teach students basic techniques for gathering the information they would need to make an accurate and informative PSA.



  1. Key Vocabulary 2.5 min. 

  2. Attention-getter 10 min. 

  3. Discussion 15 min. 

  4. Key Vocabulary 2.5 min. 

  5. Activity 20 min. 

  6. Assignment 5 min. (in class), 20 min. (homework)

  7. Key Vocabulary 2.5 min. 

  8. Discussion 15 min. 

  9. Activity 15 min. 

  10. Assignment 5 min. (in class), 30 min. (homework)

    Total time: 92.5 min (+50 min. home assignments)

Teacher Preparation:

  1. Ensure you have the Streets, Art, SAFE topics list from the website. 

  2. Write the “True or False” statements on a whiteboard or put them in a PowerPoint presentation, if possible.

  3. Set up your computer and other audiovisual equipment needed to play a PSA.

  4. Secure a computer lab or library space where students can do research, if possible.

  5. Provide pencils and paper for students to make notes as they conduct research and write down survey questions.


  • It is ideal to have students conduct the initial stages of research in the classroom with you so that they can ask questions as needed. If computers are not accessible, students can begin looking for statistics, news stories and other information on their smart phones or tablets. In addition, you could print out basic statistical information before class and bring it for the research portion. 

  • This lesson should be taught over two class periods. You should end the first class at the first assignment and pick up the second period with continuing this assignment for a few minutes, then moving on to the new Key Vocabulary. 

  • Remind students that they can conduct their surveys either in person or, if necessary, over the phone.