For a copy of this on-line Educator’s Guide, download a PDF version here.
Streets, Art, SAFE Educator's Guide
Streets, Art, SAFE is a program put forth by SAFE to help high school students expand their knowledge of traffic safety while gaining valuable experience in the arts by creating Public Service Announcements (PSAs).
This guide is an aid for your use to teach students the production of PSAs and help walk them through the competition process. This educator's guide is not rote. You are not required to do all lessons in sequence. You can teach only the lessons that are needed for your students. It is even written in such a way that you could give the lessons to a student or group of students and let them teach themselves by watching the videos and following the lesson or lessons in sequence.
You will find the materials mentioned in each lesson in the last chapter of this guide - including downloadable blank storyboards for the student’s use.
Streets, Art, SAFE is a program put forth by SAFE to help high school students expand their knowledge of traffic safety while gaining valuable experience in the arts by creating Public Service Announcements (PSAs).
Information about this educator’s guide and tips for success in its use.
For a copy of this on-line Educator’s Guide, download a PDF version here.