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Submit Public Comments to Support L.A. River Phase IV Bikeway extension

LA River Phase IV Bikeway Project!

The City of Los Angeles is proposing to upgrade an existing maintenance road into a new
section of the Los Angeles River Bikeway.

The Project would construct an asphalt concrete pavement Class I bicycle and pedestrian path along the south bank access road of the Los Angeles River, and a partially separated equestrian trail.

The Project would extend the Los Angeles River Bikeway by approximately one mile from its current western terminus near Riverside Drive and would provide new equestrian trail facilities near the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.

The proposed Project would connect to the active transportation network throughout the region and provide new pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian access and connectivity to transit, residential homes, schools, jobs, parks, and other community-serving amenities for the surrounding communities.

Read all about it here:

This project is currently in a public review phase where public comment is being accepted.

SAFE is in support of this project and we invite you to join us in showing your support.

The process is simple, just submit your comment to by March 31, 2025.

Sample Talking Points:

Here are a couple sample talking points you could include in your email:

  1. I support the upgrade of the maintenance trail into a Class I bike path.

  2. Chain-link fencing along the path will likely get cut open and create safety hazards, so instead of fencing, it's preferable to have natural landscaping, for example with native plants and other wildlife features.

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