SAFE Announces Partnership with People Powered Media
People Powered Media — by Sam-Omar Hall
Streets Are For Everyone has entered into a partnership with People Powered Media, a new publication from journalist Sam-Omar Hall. The two institutions will collaborate on articles, events, and advocacy.
People Powered Media emerged after Sam spent years on the copy desks at the L.A. Times and the Washington Post. Now striking out on his own, Sam hopes to highlight the joy of biking, walking, and public transit in L.A.
People Powered refers both to active mobility — transportation that is powered by human beings — and also to the power of community.
Sam wanted to create a publication that captured the freedom you feel when you’re on a bike; the relaxed exploration of an urban stroll; the hidden power of buses and trains. So much of bike and pedestrian media is angry, and rightly so, but People Powered wants to lead with joy. Yes, getting around L.A. without a car can be challenging. No, it’s not perfect. But that makes the magical moments even more special.
Aside from journalism and advocacy, People Powered also hopes to build community and get more people onto bikes through group rides in the Palms/Culver City area.
People Powered is also organizing bike lane cleanups in partnership with SAFE.
The publication's hub is Instagram. Being 2023, it also has a presence on Youtube, Twitter, Substack, and a Patreon. (It is not on TikTok yet…)