NEW to 2024/25!

Streets, Art, SAFE Poster Competition

Registration is open!

Competition Details and Resources

2024/25 Competition Schedule

Check back for updates on the schedule - webinars, excursions, and other opportunities will be added.

August 2024

  • 19 August ‘24 - Webinar to launch the 2024/25 season!

  • 19 August ‘24 - Registration opens.

September 2024

  • 23 September ‘24 - Mentoring opens.

January 2025

  • 6 January ‘25 - Registration and mentoring closes.

  • 6 January ‘25 - Final submissions open.

February 2025

  • 18 February ‘25 - Final submissions close.

March 2025

  • 24 March ‘25 - Regional Award Winners announced.

  • 24 March ‘25 - Overall Awards Nominees Announced.

April 2025

  • 3 May ‘25 - Red Carpet Awards Ceremony.

Competition Details

Students are tasked with:

  1. Selecting a topic from a list of traffic safety and transportation topics.

  2. Submitting their registration to the competition.

  3. Researching their chosen topic.

  4. Drawing several rough thumbnail sketches to start working out the poster design.

  5. Doing a rough sketch of the poster design (with or without color.)

  6. Producing the final poster in both portrait and landscape formats!

  7. All while making sure they are following the rules and guidelines of the competition

How Many poster PSAs Can Each School and/or Student Team Submit?

Each student team or individual has the option to submit up to 3 posters - 1 poster for each category as follows:

  1. The poster made based on their chosen street safety/transportation topic.

  2. Pedestrian Safety Special Award Category

  3. Encouragement Message Special Award Category

(Details on Special Awards Categories below.)

Students can only submit their poster(s) as an individual or part of 1 student team, not compete in multiple teams. However, a school can submit as many posters as they want, based on the number of students/student teams.

Competition Resources - Mentoring and Opportunities


Students can take advantage of mentoring from industry professionals on their poster rough sketches.

Student Educational Opportunities

We set up optional educational activities throughout the competition season, such as webinars, workshops, and excursions. We call these Student Opportunities.

Awards Categories and Judging Criteria

Awards Categories

There are several categories in which a poster can win an award. Students should know what they are so they know what awards they are eligible for or, in the case of Special Awards Categories, which they want to register for specifically.

Special Awards Categories

The poster competition has two Special Awards Categories - both with their own cash prizes:

  1. Pedestrian Safety Special Award Category, sponsored by The Auto Club of Southern California.

  2. Encouragement Message Special Award Category on any one of the following topics:

    a. Cycling Encouragement 

    b. Walking Encouragement

    c. Public Transportation Encouragement

Any school or student team is eligible to submit for these awards. This means that student teams can have up to 3 posters submitted if they want:

  1. The poster made based on their chosen street safety/transportation topic.

  2. The 2024/25 Pedestrian Safety Special Award Category.

  3. The 2024/25 Encouragement Message Special Award Category.

Judging Criteria

Judges review student’s final posters using specific criteria. Read up on what these are so students take these into account while making them.

Awards and Prizes

Two Stages of the Competition

What Are the Two Stages?

The competition is judged in two stages, with awards given at each stage:

  1. A regional contest, with posters judged and awarded by region (usually divided by county) in each category.

  2. All regional winning posters are then automatically entered into the main awards festival and judged for the top prizes in each category at the annual Streets, Art, SAFE Red Carpet Awards Ceremony.

How the Awards Work:

  1. Winning posters of the regional contests will have their certificates and trophies delivered to and awarded at their schools. 

  2. The overall top winners of the competition are awarded at the live red-carpet Streets, Art, SAFE Awards Ceremony (SAS Awards), open to all schools who participated. 

Awards, Trophies, Prizes, and Acknowledgements

The Grand Prize-winning teams and Special Awards Category-winning teams, including the sponsoring teacher, are acknowledged with a special trophy and grants for the school’s Art Department and/or awards to the student teams.

Technical Awards and Best PSA Awards are acknowledged with trophies.

Students who submit posters for final judging are presented with a certificate acknowledging the accomplishment of their creative endeavor and congratulating them for being finalists.

Have Questions?

Still have questions? We’re happy to help. Reach out to us at or call us at (844) 884-7233, extension. 804.