Poster Competition Suggested PSA Topics

SAFE’s list of recommended Poster Competition PSA topics are:

  • Drunk driving - under-aged or adult drinking and driving. 

  • Drugged driving - driving while using drugs, for example: recreational drugs like marijuana or prescription medications like painkillers. 

  • Distracted driving - doing other things while driving, for example: texting and driving, eating, putting on makeup, adjusting the radio, watching a map, watching videos, playing games, etc. 

  • Distracted driving - driving tired. 

  • Traffic laws - pedestrian laws, bicycling, e-scooter, skateboard laws. 

  • Traffic laws - driving laws, for example: seat belts worn, rules of the road, etc. 

  • Speeding - speed and pedestrian, bicycle, or e-scooter serious injuries or fatalities. 

  • Speeding - street racing, sideshows and/or street takeovers. 

  • Safety - for pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, e-scooters, etc. For example: wearing a helmet, reflective clothing, or using lights as applicable, etc. 

  • Safe driving - road rage. 

  • Reasons/encouragement - to get out and walk

  • Reasons/encouragement - to ride a bike

  • Reasons/encouragement - to take public transit

Students are also free to propose their own topics! (see registration form for details).


Streets, Art, SAFE Film and Poster Competitions Guidelines and Rules


Film Competition Suggested PSA Topics