Streets Are For Everyone

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Update on Three SAFE-supported Bills on Speeding

SAFE celebrated the end of June with a trio of legislative successes. Three SAFE-supported bills related to speeding are heading to their next committees.

Here’s a quick rundown of what these bills aim to accomplish and why we at SAFE think they’re important steps in making our streets safer for everyone. 

SB 1297: Malibu to establish automated speed enforcement

SB 961: New Cars to be Outfitted with “Intelligent Speed Assistance” 

SB 1509: Increased Penalties for Speeding on Highways

Streets Are For Everyone Executive Director and Founder Damian Kevitt and a team of UCLA policy and legislation interns led by Kristen Weiss have been working hard to pass these bills, show a broad support base, and overcome any opposition. 

“People are dying at a higher rate on California roads than in years past, and the primary factor is reckless speeding,” Levitt said. “SAFE is putting our all into getting these bills into law to help rein in the deaths on our roads and solve this public health crisis. It’s also important to acknowledge the authors, co-authors, and supporters of these bills, who work tirelessly with us to ensure their passage.” 

Though the work is far from done, we at SAFE wanted to thank everyone for their dedication to getting these important pieces of legislation this far and to ensure we hold our elected officials accountable for their promises to make our streets safer.