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You Would Think Saving Lives Would Be Easy – Senate Bills 961 and 1509 Update

First off, some thanks. Thank you to everyone who joined SAFE last Saturday at the Ronald Reagan Building in Downtown Los Angeles to share our pressing and vital message for Governor Newsom: it’s time to take a stand against the auto industry and make our streets safer — for everyone — by signing Senate Bills 961 and 1509. 

Thanks also to CBS 2, KTLA 5, KABC 7, KCAL 9, Spectrum 1, and La Opinión, who covered the press conference. I would have loved it if more media had joined us, but this was also the first day of the Line Fire, which understandably drew a lot of attention. I’m grateful to you all. 

The speeches were emotional and hard-hitting.

Watch the entire press conference, about 25 minutes long. I think CBS 2 News provided the best coverage.

Working to make our streets safer and save lives is a tough and often thankless job. You would think when you have sensible solutions that are PROVEN to reduce dangerous speeding (SB 961 and 1509) that it would be easy to get legislative agreement. 

The truth is, there are often vested interests, with their moneyed motivation, who oppose things — in this case, it’s the auto industry that cares more about sales of “fast and furious” cars than people’s lives. There are too many people out there who are addicted to speed(ing) as a sort of drug — a drug that’s pushed by the auto industry. I said it in the press conference, but it bears repeating: Senate Bill 961 and Senate Bill 1509 would help break our collective addiction to speeding and would save lives. 

This fight is far from over. We still need your help.

What’s Needed Next

Thanks to partner non-profit organizations Walk SF, Street Racing Kills, and Families for Safe Streets, a petition was just launched asking Governor Newsom to sign SB 961. As of this writing, there are already over 3,000 (and counting) who’ve signed this petition.  It was created by Lori Argumedo, whose niece, Bethany, was killed by a driver speeding at 80 miles per hour through South Los Angeles. 

You can also still write directly to Governor Newsom through his “contact the governor” form. Or even better:

  1. sign the petition for SB 961 AND

  2. contact the governor, AND

  3. share all of this on your social media to tell others to do the same. 

Thank you again for your backup on this. Without your help, none of this would be possible. I know this from the bottom of my heart.