California Clean Air Day is October 5th: Sign the Pledge

When it comes to air pollution, we can all do our part. Whether you’re an individual, business, government agency, or non-profit organization, there are things we can all do to improve air quality and protect public health. In a state with some of the worst air pollution in the United States, it is imperative that we do.

California Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action to improve our community's health. By joining together for a unified day of action, we can create new habits to clear the air for all members of California’s diverse communities.

California Clean Air Day is a project of the Coalition for Clean Air, but SAFE is proud to support its efforts.

How Can You Help?

Take the Clean Air Pledge

The Clean Air Pledge allows individuals and organizations to commit to doing their part to clear the air, through actions big and small. When you take the Clean Air Day Pledge, you will see two options: to register as an individual and/or household or to register on behalf of an organization.

Individual Pledge

Be a part of a community of pledges that included more than 1.6 million Californians in 2020. Take the pledge to choose from a menu of items that make a big difference. Choose from each of the three main categories (Switching Things Out, Planting Something, and Reducing Vehicle) to triple your impact! You can plant a tree, for example, or try out public transit or biking for the day.

To sign the pledge as an individual, click here.

Join Our 1st Annual Clean Air Day Bike Ride on October 1st

The 1st Annual CA Clean Air Day Bike Ride is a free, fun, and family-friendly bike ride exploring some of the beautiful nature areas of Los Angeles -- the LA River and Griffith Park. Learn about common ways one can help improve and keep the air in Southern California Clean while also learning about some of the natural fauna, birds, and wildlife in the area.

The CA Clean Air Day Bike Ride has two routes -- a shorter route (5-7 miles) for families, kids, and newer cyclists and a longer one (18-25 miles) for more experienced cyclists who like enjoying nature but also like to get some miles in.


  • Meet-up at 9:30 am.

  • Rides leave between 10:10 and 10:20 am

  • Return for some food and drinks at Spoke Bicycle Cafe around Noon.

  • Optional supported rides from Spoke Bicycle Cafe back to North Atwater Park starting at Noon. 


Start: Parking Lot of North Atwater Park, 3900 Chevy Chase Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90039

End: Spoke Bicycle Cafe, 3050 N. Coolidge Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90039


Family/Nature Ride (5-7 miles) for families, kids, and cyclists who’d like to learn more about the local fauna, birds, wildlife, and upcoming improvement projects along the LA River. This is a no-drop, fully supported ride limited to 40 participants.

Griffith Park Ride (15-20 miles) for more experienced cyclists who like to enjoy nature but also like to get some miles in. This is a no-drop, supported ride that will be broken up into two or three groups of no more than 50 participants each. 

Bicycle helmets are required for all participants.

To volunteer for this event, contact us here:

Volunteer Here

Thank You!

Produced by Streets Are For Everyone and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.

Thank you to Spoke Bicycle Cafe for hosting this event.

Thank you to Assemblymember Laura Friedman and Councilmember Nithya Raman for helping to support this event and for efforts to encourage cycling and other outdoor activities for the community.


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