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We Need Your Help to Save Senate Bill 961!

We at SAFE are proud of the work that we’ve done to push for sensible, commonsense legislation that will save lives on California’s roads.

Today, we’re writing because we need your help to save just such a piece of legislation: Senate Bill 961, which would require all cars and trucks manufactured or sold in California (starting in 2030) to alert drivers when they’re ten mph past the speed limit. 

This piece of legislation, authored by State Senator Scott Wiener, would help tackle California’s #1 cause of severe and fatal traffic crashes: speeding.

As Americans continue to opt for massive SUVs over sedans, and pedestrian deaths hit marks unseen in 40 years, SB 961 represents an affordable, feasible option to make our streets safer. 

SB 961 was slated for a vote by the full California Assembly last week, but the vote has been pushed back to this Wednesday. This provides us safe-streets advocates with an opportunity to contact the 15 legislators who are still undecided. Without the support of these 15 legislators, SB 961 is unlikely to pass. 

We’re calling on you to join us in demanding that these public servants stand up to the auto industry to help stop the scourge of speeding. Please call or email these 13 Assembly Members before Wednesday, Aug. 28. 

Don’t worry if you’re not a constituent of the legislator you’re contacting: this issue affects every California, no matter the district.

Marta Lindsey and Walk SF have compiled a handy guide on contacting your state legislators. They also give a great rundown of SB 961 and why it’s such a vital piece of legislation. Walk SF has also created phone and email scripts, which we’ve included below. 

Phone Script

Hello. My name is ________, and I’m calling to support SB 961, Senator Wiener’s Intelligent Speed Assistance bill.

[If you have a direct connection to a speed-related traffic crash, share it with your comment.]

Dangerous speeding kills more than 1,000 Californians each year and hurts tens of thousands more people. I’m asking Assemblymember ______ to stand up to the auto industry and support this commonsense solution to save lives.

Europe already requires this technology in all vehicles, and most Americans support Intelligent Speed Assistance. There isn’t time to wait to use technology to encourage safe speeds. Thank you.

Email Script

[After adding your contact information, add in this message:]

I’m writing to support SB 961, Senator Wiener’s Intelligent Speed Assistance bill.

Dangerous speeding kills more than 1,000 Californians each year and hurts tens of thousands more people. I’m asking the Assemblymember to stand up to the auto industry and support this commonsense solution to save lives.

Europe already requires this technology in all vehicles, and most Americans support Intelligent Speed Assistance. There isn’t time to wait to use technology to encourage safe speeds. Thank you.

Thank you for all your hard work keeping California’s streets safe! 

Want to learn more about SB 961 and the auto industry’s opposition to car safety reforms? Read Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 of our series, and support our partner in the Bay Area by signing up for Walk SF’s newsletter.